
Faculty of Communication and Culture

In the School of Communication and Information we are committed to the study and postgraduate training of what has been called the backbone of today's world. We are interested in training high-level professionals who are able to articulate social dialogue and add value to contribute to a more humane and just community life. The Faculty is made up of a group of professors with professional experience and academic solvency, convinced that masters and postgraduate programs are a fundamental tool to update knowledge and to grow professionally. Study with us. On the shoulders of giants.

Vice Decano

Paula Andrea Parada

Nuestra Vice-Decana posee una Licenciatura en Historia del Arte con mención en Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales de la Universidad Internacional SEK, donde además recibió el Premio a la Excelencia Académica, además posee estudios de Licenciatura en Estética, (mención artes plásticas) y el Diplomado en Administración Cultural en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile