
Founding Rector

Rodrigo Faunes Correa

Nuestro Rector, ha forjado una distinguida trayectoria académica y profesional en diversas disciplinas. Con una sólida formación en Ciencias de la Educación, con títulos de Máster, Magíster y Doctorado (PhD), además de especializarse en Teología y en Educación Católica.

Además de su formación en educación, posee títulos profesionales en Derecho y Ingeniería. Se ha destacado como académico, investigador y ponente sobre educación digital, Etica, y Bioética participando activamente en numerosos congresos a lo largo de Latinoamérica. Su compromiso con la comunidad académica internacional se refleja en su rol como académico asociado en prestigiosas sociedades como la Real Sociedad de Física de España y la Real Sociedad de Matemáticas Española, además de ser miembro individual de la Florida Distance Learning Association.

Su excelencia y dedicación fueron reconocidas en 2016 cuando recibió la medalla Mariscal Trompowsky del Instituto Dos Docentes do Magisterio Militar Ms Do Mato Grosso Do Sul, en honor a su significativa contribución al desarrollo de la docencia a nivel interamericano.

Estamos orgullosos de contar con un líder de su calibre al frente de nuestra institución, guiando con visión y experiencia el avance de nuestra comunidad universitaria hacia la excelencia educativa.

Honorary Rector

Hernán Olano García

Professor Doctor Hernán Alejandro Olano García, MSc, PhD,
Lawyer with postdoctoral stays in Constitutional Law at the University of Navarra and in History at the University of the Basque Country;
Doctor Magna Cum Laude in Canon Law from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, which also granted him a Master's Degree in International Relations, as well as a Specialization, Licentiate and Master's Degree in Canon Law;
Specialized in Constitutional Law at the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies of Spain; in Human Rights at the Complutense University of Madrid; in Bioethics at the University of La Sabana and, at the Center for Military Studies of the University of the Army in Strategic Military Leadership and in Environmental Management and Community Development.

General Secretary

Francisco Platoni Ramírez

Degree in Juridical Sciences from Universidad Santo Tomás.
Lawyer by the Supreme Court of Justice.
Diploma in Political and Strategic Studies by the National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies.
Diploma in Contemporary Security Studies in America from the National Academy of Political and Strategic Studies of Chile,
Diploma in Extension in Public Management from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Chile.
Diploma in Genealogy, Heraldry and Nobiliary from the Fundación Cultural Hidalgos de España.
MBA in Business Administration and Management from the European Business School of Barcelona certified by the International University Isabel I of Castilla.
Master in Human Resources Management from the European Business School of Barcelona certified by the International University Isabel I of Castilla.
He has served for over 23 years in the Ministry of National Defense of Chile and has also been awarded the Service Medal of the Ministry of Defense of Chile and the Bicentennial Medal First Class of the Ministry of National Defense of Chile. 

Vice Rector for Economic Economic Affairs

Hermógenes Guerrero Otárola

Economist from the University of Chile. Degree in Administrative and Economic Sciences, Universidad de Chile.
Master in Teaching for Higher Education, Universidad Gabriela Mistral (Chile).
Professor of courses related to economics and entrepreneurship.
Member of the Academic Council of the School of Business and Technology, Universidad Gabriela Mistral.
International business consultant specializing in international trade, entrepreneurship, and resource allocation.
President of the Accounts Review Commission of the Chilean Olympic Committee.
Researcher, developer and speaker on technological developments in biotechnology.