
At Saint Michael Archangel International University, loyalty is not only a value we cherish, but a quality we define as essential to being part of our community. For us, loyalty implies a deep commitment to our fellow students, faculty, and beyond, to the world at large.

When we talk about loyalty to our colleagues, we talk about forming bonds of respect, solidarity and mutual support. We talk about growing together, learning together, and helping each other achieve our goals and objectives. We believe that a Saint Michael Archangel University student is measured not only by his or her individual achievements, but also by his or her willingness to contribute to the success of his or her peers.

Loyalty to our educational community is based on respect for their dedication, wisdom and guidance. We value their commitment to providing a quality education and strive to match this commitment with our own desire to learn and grow. This relationship of mutual respect and support fosters a positive and productive learning environment where everyone can do their best.


Finally, our loyalty extends to the entire world. As a university, we have a responsibility not only to educate our students, but also to prepare them to be citizens of the world, individuals who care about their community and are committed to making a positive difference. We believe that true loyalty goes beyond our own borders and extends to all of humanity. This loyalty to the world translates into a commitment to sustainability, social justice and the promotion of peace.

In short, being loyal means being committed, supportive and working together for the common good. It means honoring our values and committing to our goals, both as individuals and as members of a larger community. And it means, above all, being true to ourselves and our desire to learn, grow and make a difference in the world.

We invite you to become part of our community and experience what it means to be loyal to Saint Michael Archangel International University. Together, we can learn, grow and create a better world.